Randy and Ronnie (the “frisky goats”)

The Frisky Goat 5k Winters Series #4 is an out-and-back course with the turnaround point at the Delaware River in Milford, Pennsylvania. It is organized by the Frisky Goat Coffeehouse in Milford.
The terrain was a mix of asphalt, mud, and ice. The “extremely steep” hill (i.e. vertical like a rock climbing wall), at approximately mile 2.5, had an elevation rise of 56 feet over .02 miles according to my Tom Tom Runner Cardio. I improved on my time from the Frisky Goat 5k Winter Series #1 by about a minute and 10 seconds. 🙂
#newyearsday5k #happynewyear #offtoagreatstart
Susan M Hall is an American long-distance runner with a goal to run a 10k in all 193 UN recognized countries plus the two permanent non-member observer states of Palestine & the Holy See.
On her radar are the Košice Peace Half Marathon ☮️ Kosice, Slovakia, the Istanbul 15k 🇹🇷, Istanbul, Turkey the Beirut Half Marathon, Beirut, Lebanon, the Pyramids Half Marathon, Giza, Egypt & the Quantum Nicosia Half Marathon, Nicosia, Cyprus.